I have been working on a few different things lately and I have some new stuff I am pretty excited about. I suppose because of that I have neglected my website/ blog. I sort of thought that I was going to replace it with this other thing but that will be something entirely different so it won’t really affect my blog whatsoever. I just realised I needed a way to keep screaming into the abyss sort of. Sometimes people will do that on instagram and it just feels sort of pathetic to me. Which is maybe a little harsh but is how I feel. For some reason hitting it in a long form seems a lot better. Also I think sometimes when people want to express themselves on IG it just doesn't translate well and ends up being annoying to me or something. Like maybe people will be writing a whole story post of text which is fine but no one really wants to read that. Maybe it is just me but my ass does not want to read whatever it is your making this all text IG story about. Like we don't need a whole story post to know you're not stoked about the election, I can tell by your damn haircut! Just messing around on that last one but as you know behind every JK is a little TBH... if you get what I'm saying y'all. All that aside I mostly just feel like it's way easier to express stuff like that in long form. I think it's also better to have it be a thing where people can read it if they want to as well, like they have to hit the link in bio. Also if you are someone who is making long ass story posts sorry if you feel like I came after you. Number one for me I gotta keep it Xbox honest on here it's my blog baby. Number 2 hit my line and I'd love to help you make a blog like this one it is honestly super easy. I personally think everyone should make a blog it rocks hard and is good for you probably. I will just have a lot on my mind or some ideas that I am working my way through and I feel like this really helps or feels pretty cathartic. For me I always think of the pensive in Harry Potter when Dumbledore just rips thoughts or memories out of his dome and then can go check them out again later. My new desire is to post basically as much as I can or want to. I also nixed my book review page. Not because I am not reading anymore but mostly because it was just sort of a hassle to be blogging about stuff then writing about the books separately. Also I changed how my website looks because honestly it was just too much to keep it so wild looking. I would always mess stuff up by accident when I was just trying to post a blog or something. So I have decided to just strip it way back and keep it super bare bones so that it is really easy for me to edit and also more user friendly. I feel like most people just read this on their phones anyways so I made it way easier to use on the phone and it should look a lot better too. I’m also just going to blog about the books I’m reading here as well. I’m usually thinking about that stuff hella so it does affect my day to day thoughts pretty heavily. I still have the comment section because it does get me so fired up to know even like 3 people are reading what I am thinking about. As well I want to get better at writing so I am making a goal to format this and punctuate everything correctly. I also need to start using better words and such. My overarching goal with this is to basically get good at writing and someday write a fantasy series. I have some seriously badass ideas but I haven’t the ability or know how to execute them properly so I am also using this to flex my writing skills, which I am hoping to hone to a deadly edge (; Tomorrow I will be saying more I am certain. I have read a bunch of books that I have many thoughts on that I would like to express. There has also been so much on my mind I want to write down. Needless to say folks I am back in action.